Sunday, January 31, 2010


Welcome to my blog. This will likely start off slowly but I hope that over time I will get the hang of this and will become a reliable running blog for athletes of all levels to teach, learn, and share with each other. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or comments!

A little about me: Born and raised in CO and have been running since middle school. I love all types of sports as well as just being active. Currently I am in college majoring in Mechanical Engineering which takes up most of my time when I am not on here or working out. Although I am not a fast runner I enjoy races and the competition that comes with it. Easily my favorite running brand right now is Brooks running. They do so much for their customers including free product giveaways which can be found every Friday on the Facebook app: Brooks Running Club. However I love to compare brands and products so if you find something special let me know!
Other great products that I have used and enjoyed: Oakley sunglasses, Timex watches, Fuel Belt water-belt, GU gel.

To running companies: If you have a product that I can test out and review please let me know, I love testing new things and will do my best to give an honest review for other people. For now, I will likely review things that I have already purchased.