Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Favorite Races of 2010 - Race 2

After 2 years spent at home during Memorial Day this year I was committed to finally return to Boulder, CO for the 2010 Bolder Boulder 10K. With college classes ending a few weeks before the race it was always hard to train while studying for my important Final Examinations. However, this year I was able to keep a minimal base and once I returned home I worked hard to up the mileage in the remaining two weeks before allowing my body a few days to rest.

Race day was filled with excitement was usual once my family all awoke around 5 AM to make the drive up north. We arrived at the start line around 6:15 which gave me almost a full hour to warm up before the AA wave started. Unlike 2008, when I last ran the race following my senior year in high school coming off a long track and field season, I had no expectations on what time I was capable of running. I had only run 6 miles a handful of times in the previous weeks and there was no time to build speed work into my training. But that is also one of the beauties about this race: there are so many people in your wave that you will always have someone to pace with, talk to, and work to beat.

As expected the first half of the race went fine, since I was trained mainly for a 5K race. Once 3.5 miles rolled around my lungs were feeling the burn and the side-cramps commenced, which proved hard to beat with the largest hill occurring just before mile 4. Thankfully I was able to push through and to my surprise I stayed with my group up until mile 5. By some miracle I was shocked to feel energy still in my legs as the street began to head uphill into Folsom Field. with just over half a mile to go I glanced at my watch and was once again surprised that a 40 minute 10K was not far off (my 2008 time was 40:00). Full of energy and excitement I blazed one of my fastest splits in the 6th mile and finished with a time just under 40:30! However, for me the fun was just beginning.

As I always tell my friends, one of the best parts of this race is the Post Race Expo. After catching my breath and drinking some water I headed across the street and began stocking up on all the free samples. As usual there was plenty of free food including frozen fruit pops, bagels, plenty of energy drinks, energy supplements, and even some organic chocolate milk! Once again this proved to be a great Memorial Day spent in Boulder as the family headed home, all satisfied with our times in the race, and with bags full of food soon to be enjoyed at home!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Favorite Races of 2010 - Race 1

As I am sitting here enjoying this uncommonly warm winter weather in Colorado I can't help but to reflect on the races that I have done this year. Many races were new to me due to the fact that I was running under the Brooks name so I definitely entered into more 5K's than in the past. Easily the biggest race that I had marked on my calendar early in the year was the Barr Trail Mountain Race, more commonly known as the BTMR. In 2009 I took part in the Pikes Peak Ascent which lead me 13.32 miles up Barr Trail to the top of Pikes Peak after gaining almost 1.5 miles in altitude! While I had already crossed this off my bucket list there remained the BTMR which was a mini-version of the Pikes Peak Marathon which heads up and down the mountain. I guess my main goal was to see what my body would feel like running downhill after spending all that energy struggling to get up. If all went well maybe the Pikes Peak Marathon would be added to my bucket list of future races. Unfortunately I spend very little time on the mountain trails this summer training for the BTMR and as a result I arrived at the race with the goal of just making it up and down the mountain in one piece.
Many racers on race morning were excited to see at the entry of an elite Kenyan marathoner, but by the end of the race it soon became a laughing matter as it was discovered that he turned around less than 1 mile into the W's and was refused a race shirt by the event organizers since you must finish to "earn your shirt." For me this race played out much different than the Ascent since there was no longer 2 separate waves. As a result I was packed in a line of runners for the first few miles as we navigated the steep W's which lead us up the mountain. Once at No Name Creek I was feeling good as this was also the farthest part of the trail I had decided to run during my training. Everything after this was still a bit unknown since I hadn't been on it for over 10 months. As usual the trip from Bob's Road Aid station to the Barr Camp Turnaround seemed to take much longer than anticipated and by the time of the turnaround I could feel the exhaustion in my upper legs. Now I was faced with the part that scared me the most - the downhill - since I have never trained to run downhill at this steep grade for so many miles.
The first few miles flew by as I had several runners to keep pace with ahead of me, but it all just seemed to by controlled chaos as we barely had time to dodge the huge rocks along the terrain. (By race end many people had bloody knees, arms, shoulders from clipping this rocks and literally eating the trail, these are a tough bunch of racers!) Unfortunately my smooth sailing hit a rough patch right at No Name Creek again as the entire path was blocked my an Ambulance! How they got up there I may never know. Quickly 7 runners along with myself were struggling to squeeze by this car which barely fit on the trail itself. It became increasingly frustrating as every time I had a gap to get by it was either filled by another runner of the ambulance would also speed up downhill and I couldn't overtake it. After about 5 minutes of wasted energy I was able to make it past, much to the anger of the paramedics as we were all endangering ourselves by running right by a moving car, but it was a race! Unfortunately I found out that I could not get back into my smooth pace and my legs were dead. I struggled to jog down to the top of the W's were the rougher terrain and ever-changing direction made me slow down to a walk several times. It was at this point that I decided to keep to my goal of making it down the mountain in 1 piece because I knew if I tried to run I would easily clip a rock and slide face first down the hill. Thankfully after about 15 painful switchbacks I made it back to the asphalt and resumed my running speed as the finish line was only 1/4 of a mile away.
Another reason that the BTMR was such a tough race is how they make you finish. Just when you think you are done you realize that the finish line is up a huge hill which takes you to a dirt parking lot for the Manitou Incline. On a normal day this hill would be daunting enough, but after almost 6 miles of running up the mountain and another 6 running down, you really feel every muscle in your legs start to ache!
Thankfully the fans were great and I, along with hundreds of other finishers, made it to the finish line for my t-shirt, medal, and well deserved rest. What a race!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Brooks I.D. Program

Almost 1 month ago I was pleased to receive an email from Brooks Running to notify me that my application into their Inspire Daily (I.D.) Program had been accepted! As a result I received a racing singlet and shorts which I will wear at every race I compete in until the end of this year. Basically, the premise behind this program is for people who have a true passion for running, staying in shape, and helping others also find the joys of running to come together under one group. Brooks sends out I.D. gear to each program member whether they are elite runners, age group winners, or people just happy to finish the race. Brooks also has created a I.D. website to help members connect with each other, discuss races, injuries, and other ideas! All I can say is that I am very excited to enter as many races as possible in order to represent Brooks as much as possible! If you have any questions about this program please refer to the Brooks website at

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Racing

With July already here it is a sure sign that the summer racing season is already well underway. I find that this is a great time to see if my hard work during the winter and spring has paid off because summer races really give you the best chance for fast times. Every year I have a few races that I do as part of a tradition like the BolderBoulder 10K and the Sailin' Shoes 5K in Colorado Springs, but I also like to sign up for a new race each year that gives me something to really train for. Last year it was the Pikes Peak Ascent, this year it is the Barr Trail Mountain Race and also could be the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon in August. A lot of these bigger races have earlier registrations so I find it easier to make a commitment to training when I have already paid the fees. Does anybody else use a similar method in order to stay motivated during the summer? What keeps you running through those blistering summer evenings or early mornings when you'd rather sleep in on your day off from work? There are few things that I enjoy more during the summer than hanging out with friends at the finish line talking about the race while grabbing free goodies and drinks to keep us upright. The BolderBoulder has one of the biggest raceday expos that I have ever seen with hundreds of companies giving away free samples of their products. It really gives you some motivation while you are running through some tough miles! Do you have any favorite races? Let me know, I'd love to hear about some of your favorite experiences! Have a happy summer running!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Welcome to my blog. This will likely start off slowly but I hope that over time I will get the hang of this and will become a reliable running blog for athletes of all levels to teach, learn, and share with each other. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or comments!

A little about me: Born and raised in CO and have been running since middle school. I love all types of sports as well as just being active. Currently I am in college majoring in Mechanical Engineering which takes up most of my time when I am not on here or working out. Although I am not a fast runner I enjoy races and the competition that comes with it. Easily my favorite running brand right now is Brooks running. They do so much for their customers including free product giveaways which can be found every Friday on the Facebook app: Brooks Running Club. However I love to compare brands and products so if you find something special let me know!
Other great products that I have used and enjoyed: Oakley sunglasses, Timex watches, Fuel Belt water-belt, GU gel.

To running companies: If you have a product that I can test out and review please let me know, I love testing new things and will do my best to give an honest review for other people. For now, I will likely review things that I have already purchased.